We have number of modules to replace default login and registration features in drupal. sometimes we need this functionality in popup, and look for drupal modules. Same thing happen to me i looked in Drupal modules index page http://drupal.org/project/modules/index, finally i found the Ajax Login/Register.
This module provides a smooth way for the user to login, register and request new password via AJAX at any Drupal site.
- This module provides a block with 2 links (Login, Register) for the anonymous user.
- When the user clicks on Login or register the requested form appears in a nice ajax popup.
- The login and register forms can validate using ajax and not redirect on error.
- On success the module redirects to the user page.
- When user is logged in, the block provides a Welcome !username message and a link to the user page and a logout link.
- This module integrates the thickbox plugin with the Ajax module and provides a simple, easy to use and cool login and register block.